The Role Played By Edge Computing in Manufacturing

Edge computing can be defined as a distributed computing framework that brings enterprise applications closer to data sources like local edge servers. In manufacturing, edge computing offers an effective processing and storage choice since intensive data handling and storage can be kept on the plant floor.

The Role Played By Edge Computing in Manufacturing

Edge computing has developed, and plays an important role in manufacturing industry; because edge computing brings applications closer to data sources it offers lower latency with enhanced data speeds as compared to cloud-based or remote data storage centers, that usually experience higher lag times, security concerns, etc.

Edge computing removes the slower speeds and lag that is often associated with data relay processes that are involved with cloud computing or remote data storage.

Additionally, since in edge computing, the data sources are on-site, we have an improved bandwidth availability which can help optimize storage, saving costs.

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Author: John Mulindi

John Mulindi is an Industrial Instrumentation and Control Professional with a wide range of experience in electrical and electronics, process measurement, control systems and automation. In free time he spends time reading, taking adventure walks and watching football.

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