Telecommunication systems

Sweep Frequency Generator: Function, Features & Applications

Function & Features of a Sweep Frequency Generator A special type of signal generator which generates a sinusoidal output whose…

4 months ago

Voltage-Controlled Attenuator: Function, Features & Application

Function of a Voltage-Controlled Attenuator The function of a voltage-controlled attenuator is to produce an output signal vo(t) that is…

4 months ago

Microwave Active Devices: Types, Features & Operation

Generally microwave devices can be categorized as either passive components or active components. We have already talked about microwave passive…

4 months ago

Radio Frequency (RF) Signal Generator – Features & Applications

A radio frequency (RF) signal generator is used in generating high frequency signals at a specific frequency for testing laboratories.…

11 months ago

What is the difference between Broadband and Baseband Transmission?

Broadband transmission is used for a network in which information is modulated onto a radio frequency carrier which passes through…

1 year ago

Data Acquisition and Telemetering in Power Systems

To be able to manage and control a power system, the network engineer requires reliable and current information about the…

2 years ago

The Fundamentals of Oscillators in Communication Systems

A communication system consists of an input device, a transmitter, a transmission medium, receiver and output device. The input device…

4 years ago

Basics of Radio Frequency (RF) and Wireless Communication Systems

Radio frequency (RF) is any frequency within the electromagnetic spectrum associated with radio-wave propagation. When an RF current (input signal)…

4 years ago