Tag: Sensors and Transducers
The Principle of Operation of an Induction Potentiometer
An induction potentiometer is a rotary type linear-variable inductor with two concentrated windings wound on the stator and on the rotor as illustrated in the figure below: The rotor windings are excited with an AC, inducing voltage in the stator windings. The amplitude of the output is dependent on mutual inductance between the two coils,…
How Synchros are used as Position Transducers
Let’s consider the transformer in Figure 1.0 whose secondary winding can be rotated with the respect to the primary winding. At an angle ϴ, the output voltage will be given by: Vo = KVicosϴ where K is a constant The output amplitude is dependent on the angle, and the signal can be in phase or…
The Principle of Piezoelectric Sensing
The piezoelectric transduction is based on the conversion of mechanical vibrations into electrical signals and vice versa. The piezoelectric effect involves the generation of electric charge by a material when subjected to a mechanical deformation. The redistribution of electrical charges in the piezoelectric material causes variations of the electric field inside the material. The reverse…