Radio Frequency (RF)

Radio Frequency (RF) Signal Generator – Features & Applications

A radio frequency (RF) signal generator is used in generating high frequency signals at a specific frequency for testing laboratories.…

11 months ago

Features of FM Receivers

FM receivers employ heterodyne principle. The FM broadcast signals lie in the frequency range between 88 MHz and 108 MHz.…

4 years ago

Radio Frequency (RF) and Microwave – Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQ3)

The Answers have been provided at the end of Questions. Q1. What is the approximate bandwidth of radio frequency (RF)…

4 years ago

Demodulation in Telecommunication Systems

Demodulation is the process of recovering the audio signal from the modulated wave. Demodulation is also known as detection in…

4 years ago

Modulation in Communication Systems

Introduction Modulation is the process of changing some characteristics (e.g. Amplitude, Frequency, or Phase) of a carrier wave in accordance…

4 years ago

Radio Frequency (RF) and Microwave Spectral Analysis

The display of electromagnetic radiation as a function of wavelength is termed to as electromagnetic spectrum. Based upon the wavelengths,…

4 years ago

The Basics Facts about Photons

Photons are the elemental units of electromagnetic spectrum. For example, white light is composed of a number of different kinds…

4 years ago

General Principles of Radio Broadcasting, Transmission and Reception

Radio communication is the radiation of radio waves by the transmitting station, the propagation of these waves through the space…

4 years ago

Introduction to Radio Broadcasting, Transmission and Reception

In radio transmission, it is necessary to send audio signal e.g. music, speech, etc. from a broadcasting station over great…

4 years ago

Components that make up a RF Communication System

Communication is the process of transferring information from one place to another. The information that is generated at the source…

4 years ago