Tag: Proportional Controller
Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) Control Systems
Proportional-Integral-Derivative For processes that are able to operate with continuous cycling, the relatively inexpensive two position controller is sufficient. For processes that cannot tolerate continuous cycling, a proportional controller is used. For processes that tolerate neither cycling nor offset error, a proportional plus integral/reset controller can be used. For processes that require improved stability and…
Proportional Plus Integral (PI) Control System
This type of control is combination of two control modes, proportional and integral (reset). The Combining of the two modes results in gaining the advantages and compensating for the disadvantages of the two individual control modes. The main advantage of the proportional control is that an immediate proportional output is produced as soon as an…
Proportional Control Systems
The control mode In the proportional control mode, the final control element is throttled to various positions that are dependent on the process systems conditions. The controller operates within a band that is between the 0 % output point and the 100 % output point and where the output of the controller is proportional to…