Tag: Position sensors
How Interferometers are used as Position Sensors
Interferometer sensors employ energy in the form of light or sound to make precise position/location measurements. There are a number of applications where accurate measurement of very small linear mechanical displacements and distances between objects in the order of nanometers is required, for instances the measurement of deflections of diaphragms and cantilevers in force, acceleration…
Principle of Operation of Magnetostrictive Position Sensors
Magnetostrictive sensors detect the location of a magnetic ring that slides along a conductive metal tube; in other words this sensor operation utilizes the effect of a magnetic field on magnetostrictive wire to function. The figure below illustrates a Magnetostrictive position sensor: To detect the position of the magnet (in this case, an electromagnetic created…
The Principle of Operation of Optical Encoders
An encoder is a device that provides a digital output as a result of an angular or linear displacement. The position encoders can be grouped into two categories: Incremental Encoders Let’s consider the basic form of an incremental encoder for the measurement of angular displacement of shaft shown below: The incremental encoder shown above consists…
Instrumentation Sensors and Transducers – Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQ4)
The Answers have been provided at the end of the Questions: Q1. Which of the following sensors is used to measure displacement? A. Thermistor B. LVDT C. Dall tube D. None of the above Q2. Which of the below listed sensors is used for temperature measurement? A. Strain gauge B. Thermistor C. Piezoelectric crystal D.…