Tag: instrumentation
The IEEE-488 Instrumentation Bus (GPIB)
A bus in computer systems means a collection of unbroken signal lines that interconnect computer modules; these connections are usually made by taps on the lines. Examples of parallel bus architectures and protocols include: IBM PC bus (IBM PC/XT/AT), the Intel iSBX bus, the MicroVAX Q-bus, the Intel Multibus (IEEE-796 bus), the IEEE-488 instrumentation bus…
What are Virtual Instruments?
Virtual instruments (VI) are instruments based on computer software whose controls and displays are presented on a computer screen and whose operation and settings are controlled by the keyboard and mouse. Instead of purchasing a number of expensive, dedicated, standalone instruments, users find it less costly to purchase a computer with a multichannel, analog-to-digital converter…
Instrument Piping Systems Installation Guidelines
The right installation ensures the long term instrument system reliability. In this article we look at the general guidelines for the installation of instrument piping systems. Piping Systems/Tubing Runs Before we can proceed, it is important to state the difference between piping and tubing; tubing can be regarded as thin-walled seamless pipe that cannot be…
What is Calibration of the Sensor?
Calibration of the sensor is the relationship between the physical measurement variable input and the signal variable output for that specific sensor. Typically, a sensor or an entire instrument system is calibrated by providing a known physical input to the system and recording the output. The data is plotted on a calibration curve such as…
How HAZOP Technique is used to identify Hazards in a Process
In functional safety, hazards are events which have the potential to cause harm such as personal injury, damage to the environment or the business. Hazards in the process industry might include: the pressure of liquid in a vessel (high pressure may result in loss of containment, leaks or vessel rupture), the level of liquid in…
Safety Function in a Machine Control System
A safety function is executed by the safety-related parts of the machine control system to achieve or maintain the equipment under control in a safe state with respect to a specific hazard. A failure of the safety function can result in an immediate increase of the risks of using the equipment; that is, a hazardous…
Types of Load Cells and How Do They Work?
In the vast landscape of industrial measurement, load cells play a pivotal role in ensuring the accuracy and reliability of weight and force measurements. These sophisticated devices, integral to myriad applications across industries, convert mechanical force into measurable electrical outputs. Australia, with its robust and diverse industrial sector, is home to a significant demand for…
Radio Frequency (RF) Signal Generator – Features & Applications
A radio frequency (RF) signal generator is used in generating high frequency signals at a specific frequency for testing laboratories. The output frequency may range for example from about 100 kHz to around 40 GHz. A typical RG generator consists of: RF oscillator, amplifier, output level meter and a calibrated attenuator. Components of RF Generator…
The Principle of Operation of an Induction Potentiometer
An induction potentiometer is a rotary type linear-variable inductor with two concentrated windings wound on the stator and on the rotor as illustrated in the figure below: The rotor windings are excited with an AC, inducing voltage in the stator windings. The amplitude of the output is dependent on mutual inductance between the two coils,…