Tag: instrumentation
The USB-6009 Data Acquisition Card Features
The USB-6009 is a small external data acquisition and control device manufactured by National Instruments that is normally connected to a computer through a USB port. It is used in applications such as simple data logging, academic lab experiments and portable measurements. This device has analogue to digital (A/D) conversion capabilities as well as digital…
Microwave Spectroscopy: Features, Types & Applications
Microwave Spectroscopy The section of the electromagnetic spectrum extending approximately from 1 mm (300,000 MHz) to 30 cm (1000 MHz) is referred to as the microwave region. Spectroscopic applications of microwaves consist of almost exclusively of absorption work in gaseous samples. With some exceptions, the various types of spectra are distinguished by their energy origins.…
XPS and Corrosion Resistance: Unveiling New Perspectives on Metal Durability
Corrosion is an age-old problem that continues to challenge industries relying on metal components, from automotive to aerospace, construction to consumer electronics. The degradation of metals not only leads to significant economic losses but also poses safety risks in critical applications. In the quest to enhance the durability of metals and extend their service life,…
Steam Sampling for Conductivity: Instrumentation Structure
Sampling Systems The Purpose of Sampling Systems The objective of a sampling system is to obtain a truly sample of the solid, liquid or gas to be analyzed, at an adequate and steady rate, and transport it without change to the analysis instrument, while ensuring that all the necessary precautions are taken to make this…
Cable Screens: Types & Connections
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) is one of the key factors of consideration in the design, construction, manufacture and installation of electrical and electronic equipment and systems. Electrical equipment must be designed not only to meet a functional technical performance specification but due consideration must also be given to the interaction the equipment has with the electromagnetic…
Instrumentation Systems Installation: Precautions to Take
Analog systems are normally based on low voltages and as a result, they are vulnerable to electrical noise. In most plants, a PLC may be controlling 415 V high power motors at 100 A, and at the same time, reading thermocouple signals of a few mA. Great care must therefore be taken to avoid interference…
Basic Facts about 4-20 mA current loop in Process Instrumentation
The 4-20 mA current loop, like the one shown in the diagram below is a typical way of transmitting sensor information in most of industrial process monitoring applications. A sensor in this case is a device used to measure the physical parameters such as liquid flow rates, temperature, pressure, speed, and so on. The 4-20…
Digital Voltmeters: Basic Features, Operation & Applications
The digital voltmeter (DVM) displays measurement of ac or dc voltages as discrete numbers instead of a pointer deflection on a continuous scale as in analog instruments. A digital voltmeter basically consists of an analog-to-digital converter, a set of seven-segment numerical displays and the necessary BCD-to-seven-segment drivers. A digital voltmeter is a versatile and accurate…
Fault Protection & Diagnostics in Power ICs using Temperature Sensors
Fault conditions sensing for example, the detection of a short circuit is an integral part of many smart power integrated circuits (ICs)/power ICs. The ability to get temperature sensors in the semiconductor process provides protection and diagnostics as part of the features of these devices. The main function of the power IC is to provide…
Digital Multimeter: Principle of Operation and How it is used
A Multimeter or volt-ohm-milliammeter (VOM) is an instrument used to measure current, voltage, and resistance. It can be used for measuring dc as well as ac voltages and currents. The two common types of multimeters include the analog multimeter and the digital multimeter. Analog multimeters employs a moving pointer mechanism that swings a long a…