
Key Factors to Consider in Selection of Valves

Valves are the final element in a control loop, and are critical in providing the correct flow. The valve, usually…

2 years ago

Features and Applications of Instrument Transformers

Instrument transformers are used in the measurement of voltage, current, energy, and power in ac circuits. The main reasons why…

2 years ago

The Principle of Operation of a Vortex Flowmeter

If a bluff (non-streamlined) body is placed in a flow, vortices detach themselves at regular intervals from the downstream side…

2 years ago

The Principle of an Optical Pyrometer Temperature Sensor

A heated object emits electromagnetic radiation. At temperatures below approximately 400 °C this radiation can be felt as heat. As…

2 years ago

Types of Ultrasonic Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) Techniques

The technology of ultrasonic testing has been used by production and industry since the development of the radio engineering process.…

3 years ago

The Principle of Operation of Optical Encoders

An encoder is a device that provides a digital output as a result of an angular or linear displacement. The…

4 years ago

Features of Analog Signal Transmission

Analog voltage or current signals are hardwired between the transmitter and the receiver. These analog signals can be relatively be…

4 years ago

The Construction & Principle of Operation of Load Cells

A load cell converts a force (usually the gravitation force from an object being weighed) to a strain which can…

4 years ago

NEMA & IP Ratings for Enclosures

Enclosures are designed to isolate apparatus from certain conditions. In addition they are used to protect personnel from unsafe, accidental…

4 years ago

Features & Configuration of a Smart Pressure Transmitter

Smart/Intelligent pressure transmitters are microprocessor-based, and they provide additional functional capabilities beyond their basic role of just sensing and representing…

4 years ago