A safety function is executed by the safety-related parts of the machine control system to achieve or maintain the equipment…
This is part of the control system of a machine that prevents a hazardous condition from occurring. It can be…
In the vast landscape of industrial measurement, load cells play a pivotal role in ensuring the accuracy and reliability of…
The figure below shows the control schemes applied to a direct-fired process heater. Fig: Combustion & temperature control on direct-fired…
While power cables are what we can refer to the “arteries” of industry, control and instrumentation cables are its “nerves”…
Let’s consider the transformer in Figure 1.0 whose secondary winding can be rotated with the respect to the primary winding.…
An actuator is normally controlled by the controller. The actuator, in turn, changes the output of an automated process. The…
Servo motors are typically employed in closed-loop position control; for example let us consider the following application, where the angular…
We would like to design a system to measure and display the rotational speed of a shaft. To accomplish this,…
Analog signals pass continuously through a full range of values for example a measuring device converts the process variable (PV),…