Industrial automation

Basic Features of Sercos Automation Bus

Sercos is a short form for serial real-time communication system; a digital automation bus that interconnects motion controls, drives, I/O,…

2 years ago

Power MOSFET Motor Control

Because of the very high input gate resistance of MOSFETs, MOSFET’s fast switching speeds, and the ease at which they…

2 years ago

What are PLC-Based Water Treatment Plants?

Most of the water treatment plants in the previous decade were manually operated. However, they were automated to a certain…

2 years ago

Basic Steps to Consider in Designing a Control System

Typically a control system should be designed to work together with an already existing process. The control design problem can…

2 years ago

Fuzzy Controller and its Industrial Applications

Fuzzy logic is a human model, potentially applicable to a wide range of processes and tasks that require human instinct…

2 years ago

Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition in Power Systems

The term supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) refers to the network of computer processors that provide control and monitoring…

3 years ago

A Digitally Controlled Drill Press

The diagram below shows a digital control system for a drill press that includes: the input, digital processor, drill-positioning mechanisms,…

4 years ago

Features of Analog Signal Transmission

Analog voltage or current signals are hardwired between the transmitter and the receiver. These analog signals can be relatively be…

4 years ago

Advantages of Industrial Control Networks

Industrial networks have evolved to become an integral part of manufacturing replacing the point-to-point communication at all levels. At lower…

4 years ago

Basic Elements of a Digital Controller for a Steam-Turbine Driven Generator

The block diagram below illustrates the basic elements of a minicomputer system for speed and voltage control as well as…

4 years ago