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Tag: Electronics

  • Semiconductor Diodes

    A diode is a device that allows current to flow only in one direction. It is made from p-type or n-type semiconductors joined together. It has a depletion layer/p-n junction/potential barrier. How the depletion layer is formed The depletion layer is formed when a p-type and n-type are joined. The electrons in the n-type semiconductor…

  • The Basic Principle of Operation of an Oscillator

    An oscillator is the basic element of ac signal sources and generates sinusoidal signals of known frequency and amplitude. The main applications of oscillators are as sinusoidal waveform sources in electronic measurements. Oscillators can generate a wide range of frequencies (from a few Hz to many GHz) as per the application’s requirement. Even though, an…

  • The Basics of Semiconductor Physics as the Foundation of Electronics

    Metals have a large number of weakly bound electrons in what is called their conduction band. When an electric field is applied to a metal such as copper, the electrons migrate freely producing a current through the metal. Because of the ease by which large currents can flow in metals, they are called conductors. In…

  • Basic Electronics – Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQ1)

    The Answers to these questions have been provided towards the end: Q1. A Transistor is a? A. Current controlled voltage device B. Current controlled current device C. Voltage controlled current device D. Voltage controlled voltage device Q2. The breakdown mechanism in a lightly doped p-n junction under reverse biased condition is called? A. Zener breakdown…

  • Optoelectronics

    Optoelectronics deals with the study of all the electrically driven light-emitting devices, all devices which produce electrical effects when exposed to light, and all methods of conducting light through fixed pathways. Photometry units When a current is passed through a light source, a portion of the power dissipated appears in the form of light radiated…