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Tag: Electrical power systems

  • The Effects of Low Power Factor on Electrical Equipment

    The cosine of the angle between voltage and current in an AC circuit is referred to as the power factor. In a typical AC circuit, there is a phase difference Φ between the voltage and current. The term cos Φ is termed to as the power factor of the circuit; if the current is inductive,…

  • What are Flexible Alternating Current Transmission Systems (FACTS) Controllers?

    What are Flexible Alternating Current Transmission Systems (FACTS) Controllers?

    Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS) can be described as AC transmission systems incorporating power electronic-based controllers and other static controllers to boost controllability and increase power transfer capability. FACTS equipment that provides control of one or more of the parameters of an electrical network is often referred to as a FACTS controller. FACTS devices may…

  • Causes of Power System Disturbances & Corrective Measures

    Even though most protective system designs are built around individual components, system-wide disturbances in power systems are rather a frequent occurrence and a challenging issue for electric utility companies. When major disturbances occur in power systems, it is imperative to implement coordinated protection and control actions to stop the system degradation, restore the normal state…

  • Sources of Power Quality Problems

    Power quality may be affected by a number of issues. Our discussion in this article focuses on various devices and events that lead to problems in power quality. The common sources of power quality problems include: Power Electronic Devices Power electronic devices cause power quality disturbances and they are also susceptible to them. Variable speed…

  • Common Terms Used When Describing Power Quality Problems

    Power quality has become an important issue to electricity consumers at all levels of consumption. This has especially been intensified by the common use of sensitive equipment and non-linear loads in both industrial and the domestic environs. In this article we look at some of the common terms typically used when describing power quality problems.…