Tag: Electrical measurements
Power Measurement in Fiber Optics, How it is Done
Optical Power The basic unit of measurement in fiber optics is the light power. Just like electric power, optic power is measured in watts. For light, the total energy Q is given by: Q = NQp Where Qp is the energy of a single photon and N is the number of photons, therefore: The Power…
Magneto-Optic Current Sensors for High Voltage, High Power Transmission Lines
One of the key challenges in measuring the electrical current in high voltage, high power transmission lines, is that of measurement circuit isolation. One way of measuring heavy 60 Hz currents in a conductor is through the use of a current transformer. A current transformer typically consists of a number of turns of wire wound…
Digital Multimeter: Principle of Operation and How it is used
A Multimeter or volt-ohm-milliammeter (VOM) is an instrument used to measure current, voltage, and resistance. It can be used for measuring dc as well as ac voltages and currents. The two common types of multimeters include the analog multimeter and the digital multimeter. Analog multimeters employs a moving pointer mechanism that swings a long a…
Electric Wiring Testing & Inspection Instruments Requirements
In order to carry out the verification process proficiently, the person conducting the inspection and test must be in possession of suitable test instruments. In this article, we look at some of the key requirements for electric wiring testing and inspection instruments. The commonly used instruments for electric wiring testing and inspection include: Nowadays we…
Testing Power and Distribution Transformers
The typical practice for testing power and distribution transformers is to carry out a comprehensive set of tests at the manufacturer’s works. The number and nature of the tests depend on whether the transformer is the first of a new design or not, additionally a few relatively simple tests are done after installation at site…
Megohmmeter: Function & Operation
The megohmmeter or megger is a portable deflection instrument widely used to check the insulation resistance of electrical cables and equipment. In other words, a megohmmeter can be described as a high resistance measurement instrument. The instrument has a constant high-voltage source, normally produced by a hand-cranked generator. The voltage may range anywhere between 100…
Standards Used in Measurements & Their Classifications
For anyone performing a measurement using a particular instrument, it usually matters to know whether the instrument is calibrated or not. Calibration is required, along with precision, to enable accurate measurements to be made. Calibration means observing the instrument’s performance when measuring a standard of some kind. A standard is a physical representation of the…
The Principle of Operation of a Digital Frequency Meter
A frequency meter/counter is a digital instrument that can measure and display the frequency of any periodic waveform. Its operation is based on the principle of gating the unknown input signal into the counter for a predetermined time. For instance, if the unknown input signal were gated into the counter for exactly 1 second, the…
Basic Elements of an Electronic Instrument
An electronic instrument is made up of the following key elements: Transducer This is the first sensing element and is needed only when measuring a non-electrical quantity such as pressure or temperature. Its task is to convert the non-electrical physical quantity into an electrical signal. An example of a transducer is a thermocouple for sensing…
Electrical vs. Electronic Instruments
Despite the fact that both electrical and electronic instruments measure electrical quantities like voltage and current, they differ from each other in terms of the built-in features; for example, purely electrical instruments don’t possess any in-built amplifying device to increase the amplitude of the quantity being measured whereas electronic instruments typically incorporate an amplifier. DC…