Alternating Currents and Voltages

Alternating current generator

Let’s consider a signal turn coil rotating freely at a constant angular velocity symmetrically between the poles of a magnet as illustrated below:

Simple single-loop ac generator
Figure 1(a) Simple single-loop ac generator

The ends of the loop are terminated in … Read more

AC Circuits with Resistors, Inductors and Capacitors

Purely Resistive Circuits

In resistive elements the current and voltage are in phase.

purely resistive circuit
Figure 1(a) purely resistive circuit

waveform of a purely resistive circuit
Figure 1(b) waveform of a purely resistive circuit (current in phase with voltage)

Phasor diagram resistive circuit
Figure 1(c) phasor diagram resistive circuit

Purely Capacitive Circuits

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Key Facts about Resistors, Resistor Colour Codes and Resistor Tolerance

Resistors perform two basic functions in electronics:

  • To limit current flow
  • To set voltage levels within a circuit

These two Resistor features of current limiting and voltage setting are implemented in various ways in electronics as listed below:

  • Resistors are
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Series and Parallel Circuits

Series Circuits

The figure below shows three resistors R1, R2, and R3 connected end to end i.e. in series with a battery source of V volts.

A series circuit
A series circuit

Since the circuit is closed, a … Read more