Linear ICs (LICs) also referred to as analog ICs are characterized by inputs and outputs that can take a continuous range of values. In addition, the outputs are generally proportional to the inputs. On the other hand, Digital ICs contain circuits whose input and output voltages are limited to two possible levels i.e. low or high.
Linear ICs are not in utilized in many applications as compared to Digital ICs. You may find applications where digital ICs have been replaced by their linear ICs counterparts due to the lower cost of the latter.
Linear ICs possess much higher reliability since many external connections are removed. These external connections are often the cause of circuit failure.
Linear/Analog ICs are often used in operational amplifiers, power amplifiers, RF and IF amplifiers, multipliers, voltage comparators, voltage regulators, microwave amplifiers, small signal amplifiers, and so forth.
Digital ICs are widely used in integrated circuits applications. Examples of digital ICs include: logic gates, flip-flops, counters, memory chips, microprocessors, clock chips, and so on.
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