A computer is often used as part of a control system. The input data is typically from the operator’s commands and signals from the plant (flows, pressure, temperatures, limit switches, etc.). The output data comes in form of control actions to the plant and status displays to the operator. The instructions fed into the computer define what action is to be taken as the input data from both the plant and operator changes.
Industrial control has somewhat different requirements than other computer applications.
A conventional computer takes data, often from a keyboard, and outputs data to a screen or printer. The data being manipulated will generally be characters or numbers for example item names and quantities in a stores stock list. On the other hand, an industrial control computer is very different. Its inputs come from a vast number of devices. While some of these will be numeric (temperature, flows, pressures, etc.), the majority will be single bit, ON/OFF, digital signals representing valves, limit switches, motor contactors, etc.
There will also be a similar large amount of digital and analog output signals; a very small-sized control system may have connections to about 15-20 input and output signals; Medium-sized systems can have over 200 connections.
In general, computer control is done in real time, that is, the computer has to respond to random events as they occur.
The following are some of the requirements of industrial control computers:
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