Category: Telecommunication Systems
Radio Frequency Spectrum Analyser
Spectrum analysis is the analysing of signals in terms of their frequencies. The spectrum analyser can measure the frequencies present in a complex signal or the frequencies resulting from modulation on a carrier. The spectrum analyser is a measurement instrument that displays frequency components of a signal. Each frequency component contained in the input signal…
Radio Frequency (RF) and Microwave Spectral Analysis
The display of electromagnetic radiation as a function of wavelength is termed to as electromagnetic spectrum. Based upon the wavelengths, the spectrum is divided into various frequency bands as illustrated in the figure below: With the rapid advancement of wireless technology and satellite sensor technology, there is need for more and more accurate field measurements…
General Principles of Radio Broadcasting, Transmission and Reception
Radio communication is the radiation of radio waves by the transmitting station, the propagation of these waves through the space and their reception by the radio receiver. The figure above shows the general principles of radio broadcasting, transmission and reception. We can divide the entire arrangement into 3 major sections, namely: Transmitter This equipment is…
Introduction to Radio Broadcasting, Transmission and Reception
In radio transmission, it is necessary to send audio signal e.g. music, speech, etc. from a broadcasting station over great distances to a receiver. This communication of audio signal does not employ any wire and is sometimes called wireless. The audio signal cannot be sent directly over the air for appreciable distance. Even if we…
The Fundamentals of Oscillators in Communication Systems
A communication system consists of an input device, a transmitter, a transmission medium, receiver and output device. The input device can be a computer, sensor or oscillator, depending on the application of the system, while the output device could be a speaker or computer. The input device and transmitter makes up the source section. The…
Components that make up a RF Communication System
Communication is the process of transferring information from one place to another. The information that is generated at the source is transferred to the receiver through communication channel. From the diagram above, on the source side, there is a transmitter device that makes the input electrical information suitable for efficient transmission over a given channel.…
Basics of Radio Frequency (RF) and Wireless Communication Systems
Radio frequency (RF) is any frequency within the electromagnetic spectrum associated with radio-wave propagation. When an RF current (input signal) is supplied to an antenna, an electromagnetic field is created that is then able to propagate through the space. RF field propagation technology is used in many wireless technologies like: 1. Remote Sensing: Telemetry Tracking…