
Clamper Circuits – Features & Applications

A clamper circuit or dc restorer is used to clamp a peak of a waveform to a specific DC level…

5 months ago

Clipper Circuits – Features & Applications

A clipper also referred to as a limiter is a circuit which removes the peak of a waveform. A clipper…

5 months ago

Linear/Analog vs. Digital Integrated Circuits (ICs)

Linear ICs (LICs) also referred to as analog ICs are characterized by inputs and outputs that can take a continuous…

5 months ago

PIN Diode – Features & Applications

PIN diode is characterized by fast low capacitance switching. A PIN diode is fabricated in a similar fashion to a…

5 months ago

Schottky Diode – Features & Applications

Schottky diode is fabricated as a metal-to-N junction rather than a P-N semiconductor junction. Also referred to as hot-carrier diodes,…

7 months ago

The Principle and Application of IMPATT Diode

The Impact Avalanche Transit Time (IMPATT) diode is a high power radio frequency (RF) generator that operates from 3 to…

10 months ago

The Shockley Diode Features & Operation

The Shockey diode is a four layer sandwich of PNPN semiconductor material very similar to the SCR but without a…

10 months ago

The Diac Features & Applications

Features of a Diac The diac is a two-terminal, semiconductor, bi-directional switching device. It can conduct in both directions. The…

10 months ago

Unijunction Transistor Features and Operation

The unijunction transistor (UJT) is a three terminal, single-junction device which exhibits negative resistance and switching characteristics totally unlike those…

11 months ago

The Varactor Diode

The varactor also termed to as varicap, is a diode that behaves like a variable capacitor, with the PN junction…

1 year ago