Author: John Mulindi
Basic Features of Crystal Oscillators
The crystal oscillators are implemented using the piezo-electric effect. This is actually realized when a voltage source is applied to a small thin piece of crystal quartz. The quartz crystal begins to change shape. This piezo-electric effect is the property of a crystal by which an electrical charge produces a mechanical force by changing the…
How to Perform Mass flow Measurements with DP sensors
Let’s assume we are measuring flow by differential-creating primary device for example an orifice plate and a DP cell as illustrated in Figure 1 below: The differential head across the primary device is corrected for temperature variation in the first calculation block, but there is no need for pressure correction because a liquid is virtually…
Key factors to consider when selecting flowmeters
Selecting the right flow measuring instrument for a given flow application can be a challenging task given the numerous measurement techniques available. In this article, we look at some of the key pointers that can help you in the decision making process. What is discussed here isn’t exhaustive in itself but should act as some…
Optical Time Domain Reflectometer (OTDR)
The commonly employed technique for analysing the state of a fibre optic is to test it with an Optical Time Domain Reflectometer (OTDR). The OTDR uses backscattered light of the fibre to imply loss. The OTDR works is similar way to RADAR, sending a high power laser light pulse down the fibre and looking for…
Instrumentation and Controls for a Steam Desuperheater
A steam generator is an item of plant equipment that is found in almost every manufacturing site, and its output of steam has many critical uses in a variety of production processes. Steam has been assigned a measurement quality and a scale based on what is known as its dryness, which indicates how much “free”…
The Instrumentation for Furnace Control
The figure below shows a typical basic furnace used to raise the temperature of a heat-transfer medium that is used on other equipment in a plant process. From the figure above, the temperature of the heat-transfer medium is the parameter that sets the demand on the heating system. The amount of heat required is manually…
Null vs. Deflection Type Instruments
Null Instrument The null technique is one of the operational modes for a measuring instrument. A null instrument employs the null method for measurement. In this technique, the instrument exerts an influence on the measured system so as to oppose the effect of the measurand. The influence and the measurand are balanced until they are…
Analog vs. Digital Sensors
Analog Sensors Analog sensors provide a signal that is continuous in both its magnitude and its temporal (time) or spatial (space) content. Most physical variables such as, current, pressure, temperature, displacement, acceleration, speed, light intensity and strain tend to be continuous in nature and are readily measured by an analog sensor and represented by an…
Basic Features of a DC Potentiometer
A potentiometer is an instrument that is used for measurement of potential difference across a known resistance or between two terminals of a circuit or network of known characteristics. A potentiometer is also used for comparing the emf of two cells. A potentiometer is widely used in measurements where the precision required is higher than…
Variable Capacitance Sensors
Several mechanical input sensors, as well as some sensors which measure humidity or temperature, operate by the transduced quantity causing a change in capacitance, which in turn, is converted to an analog output voltage by an ac bridge circuit or other electronic system. The capacitive sensors have been designed to measure force by means of…