ZigBee Wireless Protocol for Industrial Communication

2 years ago

ZigBee is an open wireless standard for low-rate networks. It is an IEEE standard 802.15.4 protocol. The physical layer radio…

Unijunction Transistor Features and Operation

2 years ago

The unijunction transistor (UJT) is a three terminal, single-junction device which exhibits negative resistance and switching characteristics totally unlike those…

What is a Discontinuous Controller?

2 years ago

This is a controller with only 2 switching states, that is, the output signal is switched ON and OFF depending…

How Modbus is used in Industrial Networks

2 years ago

Modbus is an open standardized communication protocol that was founded by Modicon. Initially it was designed for the communication among…

Network Access Control Techniques

2 years ago

Access control methods are required in a network to ensure that only one user of the network is able to…

Types of AC Motors

2 years ago

Classification of AC Motors The AC motors works by rotating the stator field, they make use of the natural alternating…

What is the difference between Broadband and Baseband Transmission?

2 years ago

Broadband transmission is used for a network in which information is modulated onto a radio frequency carrier which passes through…

Programming Embedded Systems in Assembly Language vs. High-Level Language

2 years ago

Embedded Systems Photo by Thomas Jensen on Unsplash Assembly Language Programming Assembly language programming of an embedded system has the…

What is an Embedded System?

2 years ago

Since this is an ever evolving field with advancement in technology, you will find various definitions of embedded systems out…

PIC16F84 Microcontroller Features

2 years ago

PIC16F84 belongs to a class of 8-bit microcontrollers of RISC architecture (i.e. microcontrollers with Reduced Instruction Set Computer). This is…